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Hi. I'm really enjoying the game. I had a few questions about your plans for future updates. You don't  have to add these of course. I'm just curious if they will be added. I'll still enjoy the games without these things.

1. Will there be a plot added? I'm curious about what happed to Morgana. Also I like the girls but they are pretty 1 note, wich is fine for an adult game with a big roster like this 1. I just think at least the phantom thief girls would be deeper if they had something to do besides dates and adult fun time.

2. Will the girls be aware that each other are all dating the protagonist? It dose feel a bit scummy cheating on all the girls behind they're backs. I think it would be better if they know and are ok with the protagonist having a harem. Also some 3 way sceans would be hot.

3. Will there be any futa content? No reason behind this 1. I just think they're hot.

4. Will there be any adult sceans with the girls in they're phantom thief outfits? They look very hot in those. 

5. Will there be adult sceans with persona's? Alot of the girls have really hot persona's.  

6. With the pregnancy sceans it's all in the protagonists head. When you finally finish the game, can the final image be all the girls pregnant for real and standing around the protagonist?

Thank you for making a good adult game for a franchise I like.


I tried to respond in the best way I could, feel free to ask more questions.

1. What happened to Morgana is a bit of a spoiler of the end, he went with Sojiro in secret, to get a vacation without the protagonist, it's kinda like a payback for Hawaii in his mind. For the girls, I thought about adding a place that you would be able take the party members for exploration and combat, but I feel like it's to late now, but I do plan on implementing that idea in the persona 3 game.

2. I agree, they will accept and be fine with the harem, I'm just waiting until there's no more girls left to add.

3.Not for this game, I don't think it fits, I could do an entirely futa game in the future, but right now I am very busy with my current projects.


5.That's another thing that I'm implemething on the persona 3 game, but it's be more focused on the personas the player collects.

6.Those are glimpses of the future, and I like that idea of the final image, I already have something similar in mind myself.

I wasn't expecting a reply. Thanks for answering my questions.

Also I maxed out Makoto and I've never seen Sae

Hey MaxCoffee. How do I get to Rise? I've maxed Chie and Naoto and it says I need to meet her by getting close with one of her friends.

You also need to increase some stats for them to appear, for Rise is charm and kindness, and for Sae is proficiency.

Thanks man, also who do I need to talk to to unlock Rise?

Naoto, it happens automatically one you have enough of everything.

Thanks bro, you're cool for helping with the community. Also do you plan on adding more paid scenes into the free version?

Yes, I always add more with each update.

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